
发送短消息 加为好友
姓名: 宫迅伟
领域: 市场营销  仓储物流 
地点: 上海 长宁
签名: 中国采购供应链工作坊领衔主教练
  • 博客等级:
  • 博客积分:89
  • 博客访问:158082





2014-11-07 16:46:21  |  收藏
适用对象:生产企业高层管理人员; 采购总监、经理;采购工程师,采购员, 其他部门经理及相关人员


通过对本课程的学习,学员可以了解:Through this course of study, students can understand:
——如何透视供应商成本结构How to do the cost structure of supplier
——供应商是如何定价的How to identify the price of supplier
——供应商降价的底线是什么What is the baseline of supplier cost down
——如何通过签订价格条款避免价格风险How to avoid price terms by


3小时,如何透视供应商成本结构Analyze supplier’s cost structure
采购成本结构是怎样的How about purchasing cost structure
供应商的成本结构是怎样的How about supplier cost structure
不同行业的供应商成本结构是怎样的How about different industry of supplier cost structure
制造业供应商成本结构The cost structure of manufacture supplier
服务贸易业供应商成本结构The cost structure of service trade supplier
如何通过Cost breakdown 了解供应商成本结构How to use cost breakdown to understand the supplier cost structure
1.5小时,如何根据成本分类对成本进行管理How to use cost classification to do the cost management
按照公司活动的成本分类——制造成本、销售费及一般管理费The cost classification according to the business activities – manufacture cost, sales expenditure and normal management fee
按照成本形态进行的成本分类——材料费、人工费、期间费用According to the type of cost to do the cost classification- material fee, artificial fee, period fee
按照与产品关系的分类——直接费用、间接费用According to the products relationship to do the cost classification- direct fee, indirect fee
按照与工作量的关系进行分类——固定成本、变动成本According to the relationships of working quantities to do the cost classification- fix cost, available cost
按照与管理责任分类——可管理成本、不可管理成本According to the responsible of management to do the cost classification- can management cost, cannot management cost
为什么有些成本不能计入成本——非成本项目Why some other cost which can not be included in cost—non-cost item
1.5小时,如何核算供应商的成本How to account for the supplier cost
如何事先核算供应商成本How to prepare to account the supplier cost
估计成本计算的流程Estimate cost calculation process
直接费用、间接费用与材料费、加工费之间的关系Direct fee, indirect fee and material fee
确定成本的方法Identify the approach of cost
如何通过成本和消耗量计算材料费How to use cost and consumption volume to calculate the material fee
如何通过加工费率和时间计算加工费How to calculate the processing cost by the rate of processing cost and time
价格的详细项目和计算方法The calculation approach and detail item of price
如何制作一个成本报表How to make the cost statement 
1.5小时,供应商是如何报价的The supplier how to make the quote
成本加成定价法 Cost- plus pricing
4种加成方式4types of plus cost method
TCO总成本法Total cost ownership method
价值定价法Value pricing method
市场结构定价法Market structure pricing method
4种市场结构如何定价 How to pricing with 4types of market structure
1.5小时,如何评估供应商的报价How to evaluate supplier quotation
供应商的报价是真实数据吗Does the real data from supplier offer?
怎样剔除供应商报价的水分How to eliminate the false in the quotation from supplier 
盈亏平衡分析The breakeven analysis
标准成本法The standard cost method
预期成本与事后成本 Forecast cost and afterwards cost
如何处理成本分摊How to treat cost apportionment
如何进行折旧How to do depreciation
ABC作业成本法ABC working cost method
学习曲线Learning curve
1.5小时,如何根据报价进行采购决策How to according quotation to do the purchasing decision
如何使用价格分析分析价格分析方法How to use price analysis to analyze the price method
竞争性方案The competitive scheme
与公布价格的比较The comparison between the released price
历史对比The historical comparison
内部成本估算-细节分析Internal cost estimate- detail analyze
如何使用盈亏平衡分析How to use breakeven to analysis
如何使用敏感度分析How to use sensitivity analysis
如何使用目标成本分析How to use target cost analysis
如何使用VA/VE分析How to use VA/VE analysis
如何使用数量折扣分析How to use quantity discount
如何使用付款与价格条款分析How to use payment and price term analysis
1小时,如何与供应商定价规避价格风险How to avoid the price risk from supplier pricing
固定价格法Firm fixed price
变动价格法Valuable price
价格指数法 Price index method
公式法Formula method
市场投机法Market speculation method
市场联动法Market linkage method
合同中的价格条款The contract price terms
固定价与总价合同 Fixed price and price contract
单价合同Unit price contract
成本加酬金合同Cost plus commission contract
计量估价合同The measurement appraisal of the contract
供应链管理The supply-chain management
0.5小时,基于不同定价模式的购买策略The different pricing model based on the purchase of the strategy
即期购买Sight to buy
超前购买Advance purchase
产品生命周期与成本管理Product life cycle and cost management
战略供应商购买策略Strategic supplier buying strategy
杠杆供应商购买策略Leverage supplier buying strategy
瓶颈供应商购买策略Bottleneck supplier buying strategy
一般供应商购买策略 General suppliers buying strategy
终极购买策略:竞争三角形The ultimate buying strategy: competition triangle
课时Duration:2天,每天6小时2-days, 6-hour per day




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